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Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Today, I listened to...

.....'Hadestown' by Anais Mitchell.
It's a folk opera akin to the The Decemberists stuff, is bloody excellent and features Ani Di Franco, Justin Vernon (Bon Iver), Ben Knox Miller (The Low Anthem) among others. Here's a link to some of the tracks. Go buy now.

There's a band being hyped to hell and back at the moment called The Drums. I was unfortunate enough last night to give them a good listen. IMO, somebody has either got a rich daddy in the record industry and/or they've managed to completely bluff the indie press. Or I'm getting old and don't get music anymore. Cool hair and clothes though.

In other news, the next podcast should be done in the next week or two. I've just got to trim the playlist down to a more manageable hour and a half - currently it clocks in at 2 hours and 50 minutes! - and it'll be there.

I'm also going to give the blog a rebrand over the next couple of weeks and it will come back as Schizophonica is a word that doesn't really exist, but fits my musical spectrum perfectly. Hopefully, if/when I can get it working properly, I'll be listing all the music that I listen to. Mostly to promote it, but also so I can remind myself of what I actually put in my ears every day.

There's also the unsavoury business of the BBC Structural Review and the impending closure of the BBC 6Music station. This would be a travesty of culture and a slight on the memory of John Peel. If you feel strongly about this or would like to learn more about this review, click here.

Until the next time, thanks for listening.
It's good to listen.



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