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Thursday, 10 May 2012

May 2012. The wettest drought in history.

I think it was Jimmy Carr that said "If this drought carries on, we'll run out of umbrellas."
Kind of sums it up really!

Normally, at this time of year, I'm starting to look forward to those long Summer days (and nights!), but looking out of the window right now at a grey and damp London, Summer seems a long way off. I'm starting to get on Anna's nerves with my constant weather bitching and I long for Carol on the BBC Breakfast news to give me a good forecast, but alas, her recent predictions have only been good for the ducks and the farmers.

Apparently, there's a break from the rain this weekend, which will be nice as we have a wedding to go to and I do hope that the sun shines on the happy couple as they have had a tumultuous year and thoroughly deserve a dry day.

So that's me, a typical Brit, constantly on about the weather. An Australian mate once told me "At least you get weather", while that's true, I must admit that I do prefer theirs.

If you see the sun, do tell it to pop out over here for a bit.

So, with that in mind, if I haven't drowned, I'll catch you in a couple of months.

This episode's tracklist is as follows

Motoring - Toy
Blackout - Secret Connection
Starlight, Starlight - Exlovers
Do it again - Guards
Force a smile - Sleeper Agent
Immigrant Song - Karen O
Animals - The Cast Of Cheers
In A Groundfloor Apartment - Scarlet Chives
Southside - Tokyo Police Club
They Call Me Coco Rushdie - Favourite Sons
The Lion's Roar - First Aid Kit
Gold - Wake! Owl
The Wicked & The Blind - The Do
Dead Letter Office - King's Daughters & Sons
My Bones - Tom Williams & The Boat
Lesson No. 7 - Clock Opera
2012 - Young Circles
Thousand Colors - The Poison Control Centre
Show Me - Team Me
Numb Bears - Of Monsters And Men

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As is usual, if there is anything on this podcast you like, please remember to support the artist(s) by buying a track or two, or even go and see them live and buy a T shirt. If you are an artist that has a track on this podcast that you would like removed, please get in touch with me and it shall be done without prejudice.

Until the next time....

Thanks for listening.
It's good to listen.
